CHICAGO STYLE FOOTBALL / tv, social, ooh
To attract new Bears fans, we stopped selling football as a sport and instead positioned it as a lifestyle.
We expanded the Bear’s presence throughout the city with custom murals from local street artists and sticker sets designed by local illustrators
We partnered with 5 Chicago illustrators to create a sticker set. I got to be one of those lucky designers.
Illustrators include @mr_ryanduggan / @elias_stein / @zunigaeliot / @mikedornseifstudio / @matstew_art
mural series
We expanded the Bear’s presence throughout the city with custom murals from eight local street artists
Muralists from left to right: / @sentrock / @dontfretart / @antckone / @lauren_asta / @jcrivera / @amuse.126 / @sickfisher

We partnered with 16 Chicago restaurants known for their burgers to create Bears-inspired burgers.
We challenged fans on social media to try all 16 throughout the course of the season. 16 burgers in 16 weeks…seems doable.